Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I think my cherry popped!!! Or my water broke.....?????

Dear God,

Well...this is it! My first blog entry. I am feeling a lot of pressure, I mean to tell you the honest truth I just spent about a good hour sitting in front of my computer screen trying to figure out the perfect URL name for this blog. I have always been very apprehensive to start a livejournal or any other form of blog because I just don't think I have anything interesting to write...oh wait...actually I do have a live journal....
.....i just remembered....I think that it was set to private though and it's main function was supposed to be a workout training journal.
Ya...that lasted maybe one week.
I just hate working out, it's as easy as that. I stresses me out and i'll tell you why, it's because if I wake up and say that I am going to go for a run (and then I do)...(go for a run), the entire time I am out there all I am thinking about is what my friends are doing and wonder if they are going to go off and make plans with someone else while I am out on a run and then when I back from my run and start searching for some friend to give me the kind of attention that i need to get through a day I am slapped with the news that my friend is off with someone else having a good time....without me! At this point I usually get the invite to come meet up with them wherever they are, but I never take them up on this offer because at this point I was not an original contributer to the days plans and so now I am just a tag-along (and really...who wants to be a tag-along????). So...that is why I get stressed and why I can never stick to a training program.

I've gained 20lbs. in the past year. I wish I was one of those people who lost weight when they are stressed, I would look great.


Verena said...

Ahh! I've been sitting here (at work) trying to force myself to update my blog (but really, just facebook-ing instead), when lo-and-behold: "Peter Kousakis has updated his Website in his Profile." And I think, "Interesting. What website hath Peter chosen?" (secretly kind of thinking: "Maybe it's mine!" - and yes, I'm that selfish.) Needless to say, I was even MORE excited to see that it was what it was. So really, what I'm (in a VERY roundabout and rambling way) trying to say, is: CONGRATS!

Verena said...

Also: Congrats to me for being the first comment. I'm THAT awesome. Who's in your profile pic now, huh?!

erin said...

found you.

Emerson said...

I think the crowds are eagerly awaiting post #2.

It's been almost a week...please don't disappoint!

Peter said...'s not fair...I can't see your blog profile..