Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Crumpets Are Almost Out Of The Oven.

Dear God,

A few days ago i woke up and had the most exciting message waiting for email message that is. A crumpet (my sister) had sent me a little flyer requesting that it be given the opportunity to guest blog on my page.
Well, you can imagine my excitement as i was lying there reading the email with my eyes only being able to open half way because i am still half asleep, but that doesn't seem to stop me from checking my crackberry to see how many people have missed me and needed to fill that void by sending me messages (text/email/picture/ all comes through on my baby bberry)...(god i love that device) while i was asleep.
I told the crumpet that i would be delighted to have it post a blog on my site.
So....Today i am making a new batch of crumpets, i put them in the oven a short while ago...and from the smell of them i think that we will all be enjoying the taste of crumpets very soon.

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