Friday, December 28, 2007

Give Me A Type

Dear God,

I don't have a type!!!
During this holiday season most of us are dragged out to family functions where the reality of how far behind I am in life compared to everybody else is shoved in my face. I mean...I know relationships come and go, but seriously... when is the next one going to come!!! To tell you the truth I have no one to blame but myself. A few people have come my way in the past year but none of them seem to catch my fancy, but what makes the issue harder is that i can't figure out what my type is. If i recount all of the times in the past while that I have found someone attractive I recall that none of them fit into the same type.
I guess this all makes sense though, I mean...I am the type of person that has yet to settle down in one place, or one career. My 5 year plan consists of 5 different jobs and 5 different cities.
It's time to settle down. Or just keep living like a bachelor. the only problem is that i don't do hookups but that is a whole other blog entry.


K.S. said...

Hey fellow, bloggie :)

Let's date.

avivajaye said...

So yeah, I'm just now seeing this, but I think "settling down" is a bittersweet (or mostly bitter) thing. Perhaps it's because I'm like you in that I have several endeavors and a myriad of places I want to live and be and become. And while it's probably pretty frustrating waiting on the next relationship or love, not having a type is something I can REALLY relate with, and even though it's agonizing, it makes for an interesting (even hook-up free) life. ;-)